Light of Life Radio Ministry

". . .come here, and listen to the words of the Lord, your God." Joshua 3:9
. . . Catholic radio . . . listener supported radio . . . all volunteer radio . . .

On Demand / Program Archives
Programs broadcast with the last 24 hours
Family Rosary/ / broadcasts every evening 9:30PM
Answering the Call/ / broadcasts periodically
Daily Living with Fr Chapin/ / broadcasts Sundays 2PM
Vocation Awareness/ / broadcasts periodically
Young Catholics Respond/ / broadcasts periodically
Divine Healing broadcasts periodically
Teachings by Fr Al Lauer/ / broadcasts Saturdays 11PM
Great Teachings/ / broadcasts Saturdays 1PM & 10PM &
Glory Stories/ / broadcasts periodically
First Saturday Light of the World Cenacle Classics/ / broadcasts first Saturdays 7AM & 10AM
Mass from the Cathedral/ / broadcasts Sundays at 11AM
DWC Updates & Homily Highlights / / broadcasts daily 7AM, noon and 5PM
Novena For Life/ / broadcasts the nine days before the March for Life
Novena For Repentance, Renewal and Rebuilding/ / broadcasts periodically
WHMG Live Shows/ / broadcasts daily on WHMG LPFM 98.9 Keyser - coming soon
On Demand Community Calendars - coming soon!
WLoL Community Calendar - broadcasts at 330PM weekdays on FM 89.7 & on the LoL Radio stream
WDWC Community Calendar - broadcasts at 330PM weekdays on FM 90.7
WVUS Community Calendar - broadcasts at 335PM weekdays on FM 97.5
Eastern Panhandle Community Calendar - broadcasts at 335PM weekdays on FM 89.7 & on the LoL Radio stream

Advent Reflections / / broadcasts throughout the days of Advent
Divine Mercy Novena / / broadcasts from Good Friday till Divine Mercy Sunday
Novena to the Holy Spirit / / broadcasts from Ascension Thursday to Pentecost Sunday
Novena for Lent / / broadcasts after Ash Wednesday
Lent A Place for Prayer / / broadcasts each day from Ash Wednesday to the Triduum
The Bishops Speak - Eucharistic Revival / / broadcasts periodically
Eucharistic Miracle Moments / / broadcasts periodically
Real Presence Reflections / / broadcasts periodically
Real Presence Amazement / / broadcasts periodically
Reviving America Summit

WVUS-AM 1190 [daylight hrs] serving North Central WV including Grafton, Bridgeport, Clarksburg, Fairmont, S Morgantown
W248DB FM 97.5 [24hours per day / 7 days per week] serving Clarksburg Bridgeport S Fairmont
WLoL-FM 89.7 [24hours per day / 7days per week] serving Star City, Morgantown, Granville, Westover
WDWC-FM 90.7 [24hours per day / 7days per week] serving the Upper Ohio Valley incl Wheeling, St Clairsville, Martins Ferry, Moundsville
coming soon [24hours per day / 7days per week] serving the Eastern Panhandle WV incl Martinsburg, CharlesTown

listen online now

with No Processing Fees

email your Community Events . . . call 304-598-0026 . . .740-296-5758 . . . email your Prayer Requests

Light of Life Community, 132 Carubia Drive, Core, West Virginia 26541
call 304-598-0026 or email Light of Life Community

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LoL Seed of Mercy

LoL Program Calendar

LoL Radio Ministry

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